Sunday, August 18, 2013

First Days of First Grade

We are off to a great start!  Our sweet Busy Bees have settled in and are making my job feel SO EASY!  They are an amazing group of kiddos! 

On our first day of school, we talked about our feelings about starting first grade.  I admitted to them that I was as nervous on the night before first grade and the first morning of school as they were.  Meeting a new class is always a little scary!  We read a book about "jitters," then calmed our tummies down with yummy Jitter Juice.

Mr. Pete sent flowers to Mrs. Broome on the first day of school.  We came back from lunch to find them on the table.  What a great surprise on the first day of school!

On our second day, we talked a lot about what it means to be a good team.  We followed a recipe to create a "recipe for success."  The taste of success is sweet!

During our first full week of school, we gave our brains a good workout!  Lots of writing, reading, math, and science.  I think they all agree at this point that learning in the Beehive is so fun it doesn't even feel like work!

On Friday, we made our first "Funky Food"..... "Busy Bees!"  They were delicious!  And, even though it rained off and on throughout the day, we were able to get out between the rains to have fun with sidewalk chalk.