Thursday, January 16, 2014

Our Christmas Party
We practiced and practiced to get our Gingerbread Man in the North Pole Reader's Theater JUST RIGHT.

The children did a wonderful job!  What smart boys and girls!

At the end of the day, I left the classroom like this.... ready for a good Christmas cleaning.  Lights off until the new year!

Hip-Hip Hooray for PJ Day!!

Santa's Milk and Cookies Experiment: Which cookie will float the longest in milk?

The sugar cookie was the first to sink.


Down went the oreo!  The chocolate chip cookie was the last to sink. 

We think the chocolate chip cookie has lots of air pockets between the chips and dough.  The air pockets give buoyancy to the cookie, allowing it to float.

We made yummy Santa hat snacks



More from Gingerbread Week!

Our busy bees worked together in groups to build gingerbread houses with NO ADULT HELP!!!  Everybody worked together with no arguing!!  I could not be more proud.




The busy bees are the best kids because they have the BEST PARENTS!!!  Thanks to our parent volunteers who helped us on ornament-making day!